After a little hiatus brought on the craziness of my last couple weeks, I am eager to jump back into my blog and discuss another great novel. Today, I’ve chosen The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.

The Picture of Dorian Gray is an exposé of the ugliness of beauty. This intriguing contradiction is marvelously personified in the character of Dorian, a beautiful young man with an evil heart. At the beginning of the novel, Dorian is the epitome of naiveté and innocence, but this is quickly warped as he discovers his own aesthetic appeal. The good-hearted painter, Basil, creates a magnificent portrait of Dorian in his youthful perfection, which awakens Dorian’s self-lust. Gazing longingly at his own portrait, Dorian wishes that he would always maintain the perfection of the portrait and it would be the picture that would instead lose its attractiveness. His wish is granted, thus setting him on the course to his ultimate demise. Eventually, Dorian’s exterior self and interior self are irrevocably separated. As he commits each horrendous crime, his portrait becomes more and more hideous, revealing his true nature. In the end, he must make a choice regarding which image he values more – the exterior or the interior.
There are a number of worthwhile things to talk about in this book, but I’m going to cut to the end. I won’t tell you what happens, but I will say that it is one of the best endings I’ve ever read. It just felt so fitting, so unexpected yet perfect, that it transformed my entire view of the novel. I liked the novel as I read it, but I loved it once I finished. And now that I’ve read it this way, I cannot image it having any other kind of conclusion. I realize not everyone will have this response to the ending, and I don’t want to raise your expectations so high that you are disappointed. But if you have already read it, I’d be interested to hear whether you had the same experience with the final scene.