There are a lot of things I have in mind for 2012. In 2011, I successfully knocked off a couple of large volumes that have been sitting in my "To Read" list for years. I am thrilled to have completed them, but the list just continues to increase. There are many books on my agenda, but these are the ones that really pique my interest:
1. The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco -- One of my good friends is a big fan of Eco, and I almost always agree with his taste in books. But I haven't read anything by Eco at all yet and I'm eager to correct that!

3. The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoevsky -- Currently, I think I can assert that Dostoevsky is my favorite author. However, I have been working hard at sampling a wide variety of literature rather than reading all of individual authors' works. But why should I keep doing this? I have no doubt that The Idiot is a treasure I will absolutely love and so I'm definitely returning to Dostoevsky this year.
4. Collected Fictions by Jorge Luis Borges -- From what I understand, Borges has a very unique and innovative style that I should certainly experience. I think I have a big gap in my literature variety if I don't include Borges and maybe some other South American authors.
5. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov -- I like to bring up Russian Literature all the time, but I haven't read Nabokov, one of the most famous Russian authors. Knowing its premise, I have some mixed feelings about the story, but there are enough people supporting the book who encourage me to read it this year.
6. Let the Great World Spin by Colum McCann -- I don't have a detailed reason for this one, but it sparked my interest and now I can't get it off my mind. I don't know much about it, but it has really appealed to me, and I want to check it out soon.
7. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins -- One of my friends just assigned me this trilogy, knowing that I wouldn't typically read something like this. But I have to admit that I am curious about all the attention it is getting and looking forward to the quick read.
8. Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer -- I don't know whether I'll be able to get to this one this year, but I think I would enjoy it. It just sounds like an incredible tale and something very different than the stuff I usually read. It would be a nice break in between some of the heavy tomes.
9. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer -- If you're catching this trend, this is yet another book that is different than the Classics I usually read and yet I'm intriuged by it. I have only heard good things from people about this author, and the upcoming movie might be added inspiration for me to read it before I watch it.
10. ??? -- In 2011, you all - my book blog audience - recommended a number of books for me to read that I thoroughly enjoyed. Some of the best books I read this year were ones I read in reluctance. I didn't expect them to appeal to me, but I took the advice of friends and fellow book bloggers. And I am so glad I did! So this category is to say that I'm eager to read whatever books you recommend to me that I may not have considered on my own.
Wow, this has kind of turned into a New Year's Resolution of sorts. It's going to take a lot of effort to complete all of these, but I hope to live up to the challenge!
ENJOY The Hunger Games!! :) It's amazing ;)
I hope you like The Name of the Rose. I loved it when I read it...I'm almost ready to reread it (if I could just find the time...).
Here's my list:
Your list looks like a lot of fun. Hunger Games is great and so is Into the Wild. I am also a big fan of Lolita, which isn't great in terms of subject matter, but the writing is amazing.
If you're more interested in the "Russianness" of Nabokov, I recommend switching one of the Russian novels for Lolita - The Gift or Invitation to a Beheading or The Defense are especially strong. Despair parodies Dostoevsky, which might be fun for you.
Nabokov's memoir of his childhood, Speak. Memory, would also be a great choice.
10. Season of Migration to the North I like the variety in this list and Salih would add more. I have been enjoying your analyses. Looking forward to what you will be bringing to the blog this year-Ryan
Great list!
Thanks for all the comments! It's encouraging to hear positive feedback about the books on my list. It adds to my eagerness to read them!
Tom, thanks for the suggestion. I really think I may take you up on that. The plot of Lolita has been responsible for my hesitation, so maybe I will start with one of the others you mentioned. By the way, how can I follow "Wuthering Expectations"? I didn't see a button for it, but I like reading your thoughts.
Don't worry, Ryan, it's still on my list. You can even see it in the poll on the left. I'll read it before some of the others I mentioned on this post and let you know when I do.
I think that when you log in to your own blog you start on the Dashboard page, where there is a list of the blogs you Follow and an "Add" button, where you can paste in my URL.
I think, I said. I hope that works.
Thanks for the kind words, regardless. It has been a pleasure to get to know your blog, whenever it was (this summer?) that I discovered it.
'The Name of the Rose' - absolutely worth it. It is, quite simply, one of the most complex and intriguing mysteries I have ever read. I'm glad to see it on your list.
I just read 'Hunger Games' in December - at the insistence of (probably) the same friend. I'll be curious to know what you think...
'Into the Wild' isn't heavy, but it is heartbreaking. Just to warn you.
And you've got me thinking about a list for the year!!
Glad to see that "Watership Down" has moved so high on your list. :)
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