“We are all prisoners of our own destiny, must confront it with the knowledge that there is no way out and, in our epilogue, must be the person we have always been deep inside, regardless of any illusions we may have nurtured in our lifetime.”
When we first meet Renee, she has so fully accepted the social caste of her role as a hotel concierge that she discounts any possibility of change. She has shut everyone out of her life, burying herself instead in the world of books. Yet although books have extraordinary value, they cannot replace human connection. Yes, there are certain things that we must accept in this world, and it would be futile to fight against them. However, we should not allow our assumptions to suffocate the possibility of surprise. Instead, that knowledge can allow us to welcome the changes in our lives without fear or restraint, knowing that it will only add to the person we have always been and will continue to be. In my opinion, this is a big part of Barbery's message as Renee slowly opens up to the people who truly value her.
“We never look beyond our assumptions and, what’s worse, we have given up trying to meet others; we just meet ourselves. We don’t recognize each other because other people have become our permanent mirrors.”
I think that this is a valuable insight from Paloma, but I also believe that it is too sweeping of a statement. Although we may have this tendency, we can make a conscious effort to see other people as they really are. Paloma shares Renee's despair, but she does not approach it with the same begrudging acceptance. Instead, she dramatically decides that she will commit suicide unless she can find a good reason to stay alive. Surrounded by shallowness, she craves intellectual depth and intimate connection, but fears that it is impossible to have both.
“Elsewhere the world may be blustering or sleeping, wars are fought, people live and die, some nations disintegrate, while others are born, soon to be swallowed up in turn – and in all this sound and fury, amidst eruptions and undertows, while the world goes its merry way, bursts into flames, tears itself apart and is reborn: human life continues to throb. So let us drink a cup of tea.”
I love this concept; it's simple and elegant. Yes, the world is sometimes terrible and sometimes wonderful. In my personal experience, I find that it is vastly out of my control, and I just have to let go and accept that. Yet rather than viewing this as a frightening concept, I like the way it is presented here, with a peaceful acceptance and specific comfort. Let us band together with our friends in the ups and downs of life, and let us drink a cup of tea (or coffee!) as we deal with them.
Finally, I want to be careful not to spoil the ending, but I just want to say that I found it to be profoundly beautiful. It did not go as I had expected, but the final musings are the ones that most resonated with me and wrapped me with a deep connection to the story itself. So I will now leave those words with you:
“Maybe that’s what life is about: there’s a lot of despair, but also the odd moment of beauty, where time is no longer the same. It’s as if those strains of music created a sort of interlude in time, something suspended, an elsewhere that had come to us, an always within never.”
I also loved this book when I read it, a couple of years ago now, it is sitting on a shelf awaiting my return for a re-read, a lovely book. I wonder what does your bookshop owner recommend to read after that?
I also find this book fascinating. I wrote about it here, Amy.
And I know I have a lot in common with Renee. It was refreshing to read it... I felt somebody understood me after all.
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